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Our program at the KUIR FEST BOGOTÁ in November 2018
Open lecture, workshop and photographic exhibition November 17 to 30 at El Sanatorio. The Project Love Lazers is an information activist group that is working for knowledge and free access to PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis), a new medical option for the prevention of HIV / AIDS in the form of a pill that we hope will be available to all of you very soon.
Launched in 2015, Love Lazers currently consists of eight activists in Berlin, Zürich, Bogotá and Leipzig, focusing on working in nightlife and Internet spaces. Some of the members of the group are in homosexual and discordant relationships (HIV + and -) and have been educated in the fields of art, sociology, medicine and law. Some have long experience in the areas of prevention and information about drugs. Others also work as artists, djs and programmers. Their work network expands slowly and they are independent of any specific institution.
Saturday, 15th of December, 2PM–8PM
Club Tres-Cero-Tres, Carrera 14a #83-37
Free entry
tea dance (house/techno/disco+co) with Dj Hermano [Íntimas] // LadyHunterDj [Tupamaras] // diashi [mikrodisko berlin] —
lanzanmiento de info-flyer “indetectable” de lovelazers

to celebrate “undetect” is reason enough just to dance to electronic music all together in the afternoon sun! no matter if we are pos or not, under therapy or not, tested or not, on prep or not, on condoms or not, lgbtiq or not – this is a party to show us taking care of each other and not forget to have fun! big fun! we gonna dance you before you dance us!
the concept “undetect” (that someone hiv-positive is not infectious when she or he is under effective therapy) is published since ten years (summer 2008). not everyone knows about: UNDETECTABLE means UNINFECTIOUS (U=U). we need to promote this message widespread in our communities and scenes. UNDETECT must be made VISIBLE (and we can’t do this alone!)
love lazers has produced an information “viral load: undetectable (in colombia)” and is releasing this text online (www.lovelazers.org/co/vih-carga-viral-indetectable) and as a printed flyer. thank you to everyone who helped to make this possible. welcome this info with a proper rumba and invite everyone for it! come dance with us!
Ser Positivo. Workshop.
Workshop moderated by two HIV positive people.
Saturday 1 December. 7:00 p.m. at El Parche Artist Residency El Sanatorio (Cra 22 No. 45-16)
This workshop will be a safe space to speak out from an optimistic perspective about how we live and feel, sharing our experiences in an open discussion without any taboo to talk about what we should be aware? What we need to change? How to be shameless about sexuality and HIV status? What does it mean to be HIV positive 2018? What is “undetectable”, how is PrEP changing the game.The aim of this workshop is to higher the awareness of the concept U=U (undetectable=untransmittable): inform HIV+ people about this prevention tool, raise self-confidence and self-organisation, introduce HIV- and untested people to this concept and lower the stigma of HIV and Aids on the long run.

Making Of – Exhibition – Love Lazers – Finissage
entrada libre, lovelazers finissage, viernes, 30 de nov., 17-22h, último día de exposición, el sanatorio, cra. 22 #45-16
Last chance to see the MAKING OF exhibition of Love Lazers and get the chance of a little guided tour: Why this photography speaks to our info texts about PrEP, undetectable and new safer sex? Why this is us?

Sábado 17 de noviembre. 8:00p.m. en El Sanatorio (Cra 22 No. 45-16)
PrEP is a revolution. If we make it a revolution!
The success of PrEP in some other parts of the world is breathtaking: with a wider access to this new biopharmaceutical prevention tool the cases of HIV infections drop down significantly. The Health system have to face the challenge of PrEP and find a way to offer it to the people they need it. This means to talk about prevention as a duty of the health insurances and the government. To let the risks individually managed by the people will result in a 2-way prevention for the one who can afford it and the one who will get infected with higher chances. In long term the financiation of PrEP and the medical assistance for it will be much more cost-effective. A society who is able to afford it will be ask why a minority which special needs are not getting the tools to protect themself. Is this based on morality or homophobia? The discussion is a political one. Let’s talk openly: It’s time for PrEP in Colombia!
The talk gives the opportunity to everyone to ask what she/he needs to know about PrEP, will start with an introduction. The basic information are collected in the PrEP flyer “LISTAS PARA LA PrEP EN COLOMBIA!” which will be distributed on all events of the festival.
Opening Sábado 17 de noviembre. 8:00p.m. en El Sanatorio (Cra 22 No. 45-16), exposición 17 al 30 de noviembre
Nightlife and creative scenes in temporary queer spaces, showing the people we are: common people – not role models – with stories, desires, fears and dreams. people who are taking care of themself, being responsible of the others and their communities. People who are deciding about their life, deciding how to live their sexualities and how they manage the risks we have to take concerning to infections, using drugs, be rejected for our dresses, immune statuses or state of transition.
Fotos/Pictures de/from Berlin, California, Leipzig, Paris, Bogotá and Zurich. Fotógrafos/Photographers: Dorothee Krings (Berlin), Raul Vidales and Faber Franco (Bogotá), Whit Forrester (Chicago) Curaduría de: Falk Springer (Berlin) y Juan Betancurth (Bogotá).
As a result of the talk, workshop and participation of kuir fest a colombian flyer “VIRAL LOAD: UNDETECTABLE” will be produced, printed and released mid of December. You will find it in town and on lovelazers.org!
People who are HIV-positive are not infectious if their treatment is effective. How safe is treatment as prevention? Does it count as safer sex? Is it more fun? How does it work in committed relationships? Does it also work for people who are dating multiple people or during darkroom encounters? What should we do if we are super horny, high, or in love?
As people who are HIV-positive and negative, how can we best prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases? Why doesn’t everyone already know about treatment as prevention? Will we manage to reduce discrimination and the exclusion of people living with HIV to an ‘undetectable’ level?
You can contact Love Lazers via the central KUIR FEST orga.
Love Lazers are grateful for the invitation of KUIR FEST BOGOTÁ! Thank you!
photo+collage by diashi+jonathan, 2018